Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Dangers of Exercise

I'm sure all of you heard or read about the fatal shark attack that occurred in Solana Beach on Friday morning. It has been the hot topic in SD this weekend. If you didn't hear about it, a 66 year old man was killed by a great white shark while swimming about 150 yards off shore with a group of triathletes. It was most certainly a tragedy and has shaken up the water community. We had a beach day planned at Del Mar for Saturday and it was, sunny, and glassy all day. Great white lurking or no great white lurking I was determined to get in the water. Despite the advisories to not enter the water, my boy Tim and I went out and surfed. We were having fun until we saw a dorsal fin emerge about 20 yards away from us. For a moment, both Tim and I were terrified. A second later a dolphin pierced the surface as it rode in and out of the wave. I've never been happier to see a dolphin in my life. This story isn't a tale of bravery, nor a tale of dolphins though. I tell this story as a prelude to what I thought was pretty hilarious commentary regarding the whole shark attack ordeal. My uncle Mike called my dad and said, "You know what I'm taking away from this whole thing? Don't exercise! Exercising is dangerous. That's why I don't do it. No one's ever been attacked by a shark in a doughnut shop." Although it sounds tongue-in-cheek, I think Mike probably really meant it (which makes it even more hilarious).

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Massage vs. Words

The differences between men and women are very interesting and seemingly limitless. Especially when it comes to how we give and receive love. One of the great challenges of marriage is learning what our partners love languages are and then loving them in those ways. For instance, Jordyn's love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. I continually try to love her with acts of service (cleaning, building things, washing the cars, yard work, etc.). Although she appreciates these things, they don't make her feel loved. Last night we were laying in bed and I asked her to give me a back massage. She said, "How about I say nice things to you instead?" I said, "No thanks, I'll take the rubs." Now, I do like to be affirmed. But if she were to ask me this question ten times I would probably choose the massage nine times out of ten. We chuckled at how primitive men can be some times...make body feel good now. I'm convinced that God uses marriage to grow us and build our character. He's teaching me to get out of my own world and think of the needs of others. He's teaching me to love others in new ways. I'm glad that He and my wife are patient.
Tunes: Cat Power - Silver Stallion (the whole Jukebox album is pretty stellar)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My ism is perfection...

I approach this blog like I approach most things in life...if I can't do it right or perfect I won't do it all. It's a pretty lousy, small way to live really. But somehow it's become my way. There are many truths that I can recite to myself: there is a learning curve to everything, just be human, there is no right/perfect way to do anything, get outside of the box, etc. Sometimes I just feel like this guy. Stuck in my box...doing the same things and hoping for a different result.

"I'll be happy to give you innovative thinking. What are the guidelines?"

Quote of the day: “Realization that we have the capacity to envision perfection yet are destined to flounder can encourage a sense of humility and an appreciation of paradox in our shared humanity.” -Froma Walsh