Friday, May 2, 2008

Younger Men Grow Older Every Day...

Richie Havens has a song titled, "Younger Men Grow Older Every Day," and it has always had a profound effect on me. Those words are simple and obvious but very powerful. The reality that time is passing, and seemingly faster every year, takes on more importance as you age. Sometimes it's strange to think about my parents or other "older" people and think that not so long ago they were my age and probably thought of what life/they would be like in 30 years. It really makes me want to take advantage of today and make the most of life. Only, I don't seem to be very good at that. Maybe I'm too hard on myself and maybe I have unrealistic expectations, but putting signs up that say, "Carpe Diem," and reminding myself to live passionately every day never really seems to translate to actual results. Usually, it seems like it's the first of the month and I'm writing more checks to pay the bills and wondering where the last month went. I haven't figured out the secret to being pumped on life every day, but lately I guess I have been more aware of how blessed I am, how incredible this life is, how important attitude and positive thinking are, and how awesome it is that we don't go through this life alone. I'm learning to appreciate the changes that occur as a younger man grows older - things like back hair.

1 comment:

Jordyn said... that back hair.